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Showing posts with the label Windows 7

New Keyboard shortcuts in Windows 7.

A variety of new keyboard shortcuts have been introduced.Some of them you can find in previous version of windows.Here some useful Global keyboard shortcuts: * Win+Space operates as a keyboard shortcut for Aero Peek. * Win+Up and Win+Down are new shortcuts for Maximize and Restore/Minimize. * Win+Shift+Up vertically maximizes the current window * Win+Left and Win+Right snap the current window to the left or right half of the current display; successive key presses will move the window to other monitors in a multi-monitor configuration. * Win+Shift+Left and Win+Shift+Right move the current window to the left or right display. * Win+ + and Win+ − (minus sign) zoom the desktop in and out. * Win+B - Move focus to notification tray (the right-most portion of the task bar) * Win+D - Toggle showing the desktop * Win+E - Run Windows Explorer. * Win+F - Search window. * Win+G displays all the