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How to install fonts without admin right

In Windows, you can’t install new fonts if you don’t have admin rights. Microsoft have made it extremely difficult for normal users to install fonts. As all the Fonts in Windows live peacefully in C:\Windows\Fonts, which is only writeable by Administrators or elevated privilege account owners So, how can we install fonts without having to ask for Admin rights? Well, thanks to Tsukasa , there’s a workaround. He has developed a tool called Registerfont (You can download here or here or here or here ) What this tool actually does is that add a number of fonts to your font cache which do not need to use an elevated user account. How to use this tool is very simple. Just download the above file. Extract it to anywhere you can have access. Find the Bin folder and copy the font files into it.There you'll also find registerfont.exe Go to Command Prompt and locate to registerfont.exe then type “registerfont add font1.ttf font2.ttf font3.ttf … font1000.ttf” What if